Discipline and Moderation before Exercising

I’m sure you’ve heard of the popular saying “Abs are made in the kitchen,” actually, it applies to all muscles, not only abs. If someone workouts everyday, and finishes their day with an unhealthy meal, that means they did not get the best out of their gym workout.
%70 ( or even more) of your fitness results depend on nutrition, the cleaner you eat, the faster your result will be achieved.
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Discipline: “Discipline is doing what needs to be done, when it needs to be done, when we don’t want to do it.” Discipline is a key component to achieve your fitness goals. There is absolutely no purpose of going to the gym everyday, and then eating unhealthy meals afterwards. Also, there is absolutely no purpose of killing your abs with high repetitions of crunches, and then eating pizza or a cheeseburger afterwards. We should always be conscious of what, and when to eat.

Moderation is a key as well. You should know what goes into your body, and most importantly, the quantity of food you should eat. Dieting is not about preventing yourself from eating a certain food (Never Say No to a Cheeseburger!!) However, you need to make a balanced diet to make your body respond faster to the effort you put in the gym.

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