Importance of Flexibility Exercises

Flexibility is the last component of fitness, and probably the most underestimated aspect of it.
It is defined as “the range of motion of your joints or the ability of your joints to move freely. It also refers to the mobility of your muscles, which allows for more movement around the joints.”
As i mentioned above, flexibility is one of those underrated topics in fitness, especially among inexperienced gym-goers, and specifically, young males.
I will give my thoughts on why some people avoid this kind of exercises, and the great benefits behind doing them.

Reason #1: Stereotyping
The concept of ‘being flexible’ does not appeal to weightlifters, they just do not go well together, “this is what everyone says.” When we ‘males’ think of flexibility exercises, we immediately think of yoga, and yoga does not appeal to men.
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Reason #2: Lack of knowledge
Flexibility is important weather you are a male or a female, many people skip flexibility due to a lack of knowledge about it. The results of this kind of exercises cannot be shown to the public, as opposed to weightlifting. Doing yoga or any other flexibility workouts will have successful ‘unseen’ results that will be reflected to the growth of your muscles.

Benefits: Flexibility exercises allow the body to use all muscles, and move through the entire range of motion that a muscle is capable of, without feeling any pain. It also increases muscle growth by expanding the space in your fascia, which will give your muscles more room to grow bigger.


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