Take Care of Your Muscles

Why is it important for us to have strong muscles? 
According to the International Sports Science Association, strength is defined as “the ability to use muscular force against an external object such as a barbell, the ground or an opponent.” Muscular strength can be built by lifting weights, as well as doing exercises such as push-ups, pull-ups and squats.


Benefits of Muscle Strength:
Increasing the strength of muscles has a lot of benefits to not only our external appearance, but also to our health. The more you strengthen your muscles, the less likely you will have an injury in the targeted muscle.
Muscles are connected to each other, and they are affected altogether, so it is important to train all muscles and not skip any of them.
For example, the weaker your abdominal the more likely you will have back injuries, the stronger your thigh, the more likely you will prevent yourself from knee injuries.
Also, increasing muscle strength will help you burn fat, and not only build muscles as some people believe. Strength exercising helps you burn more calories and can boost your metabolism by 15%.
What I like to do:
I personally prefer to switch in between programs and not stick with one program (BUT, follow one goal!)
My strength workouts consist of weight lifting, and endurance exercises. I like to use an app called Freeletics ( Highly recommended!), which has a variety of high intensity workouts that can be done anywhere, with the use of bodyweight only. I enjoy using this app (only once a week) because i found it more challenging than going to the gym and lifting weights, but i also cannot use everyday because of the same reason (it is really tiring.)


Make it Fun:
As I mentioned above, try to always change your workout plans. I personally get bored of long fitness programs, so I prefer to exercise without following a schedule, and always keep in mind to give the targeted muscle a 48-hour rest before hitting it again.

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